
Make a short film

Make a Short Film – A Two-Day Film Making Workshop inMidleton

with Cork Young Filmmakers


A hands-on two day workshop geared towards young people, aged from 12 to 21, with a keen interest in enhancing their film making skills is now open for applications.  Young filmmakers working as a group will learn film making techniques. You will script your own drama, shoot the scenes, act, direct and crew a short film under the guidance of professional filmmakers from Cork Film Centre.


DAY 1: will include hands-on workshops in using equipment and in film theory. It will also include the preparation of the story for the short film.

DAY 2: will be all action, a full day devoted to the shooting of a short digital film, giving participants the opportunity to experience the film making process in more depth.


The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 28th and on Friday, 31stOctober10.30 am – 4.00 pm, at the Town Park Lodge, Youghal Road,Midleton.


No experience is necessary, but early booking is essential as places are strictly limited. There will be a nominal fee of €10 for the entire course.


The Cork Young Filmmakers Programme is supported by Cork County Council and SECAD.


Places will be offered on a ‘first come’ basis and are strictly limited to 12.


For more information, or to book a place, please e mail now


The short film will be screened at an exciting Film Gala, a screening event for young filmmakers hosted by Cork County Council on November 28th2014.


The film will also be submitted to the First Cut! Youth Film Festival 2015 inYoughal, Co. Cork.  All workshop participants will be invited to these events and will receive a copy of their film.

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